Togi Crazy Cycle

Togi is a YouTuber who has recently gained a lot of popularity due to his numerous controversies. His early-age steroid abuse, gambling problems, and use of extremely hard substances have made headlines. In this article, we'll discuss one of his most recent cycles.

The amounts of steroids Togi uses seem absurd for someone so young. Let's analyze each compound and my thoughts on them.

900 Test (3.6cc): Although this is a high amount of testosterone, I don't think it's "crazy." Testosterone is one of the safest compounds, and I have always used the maximum amount possible that would give me the least number of side effects. In this case, aromatization and its related issues need to be controlled.

900 EQ (4.5cc): I'm not a fan of EQ. Some people have great effects at low doses, while others require absurdly high doses for it to work, which depends on individual genetics.

150 MENT (1.5cc): MENT is a very potent and effective substance, but it must be handled with great care, especially regarding aromatization. Using it alongside 900mg of testosterone seems insane, especially for someone who is not a professional bodybuilder.

6iu Growth (each vial 10iu) 0.3cc 2x day: This is a large amount of GH for a novice. That said, I believe 4-6 IUs is a good dose for a bulk cycle. The most important thing is to use it for long periods (4-6 months), then take a break and possibly use MK-677 instead.

IGF1 50mcg pre-workout: IGF is a compound that only the most advanced bodybuilders should use due to its high risk/reward ratio. It should also be used intermittently with MGF.

0.5cc Tri-Amino pre: I won't comment without more information, but in general, properly used amino acid injections are quite useful.

20mg Superdrol pre: Superdrol is a very potent compound and is not without side effects. It should be used for very short periods, always with liver and oxidative stress protectors.

20mg Anadrol pre: Anadrol is a useful compound if used properly. Using 20mg seems foolish, especially combining it with a second oral. I usually think combining two orals can be very dangerous. It also aromatizes in a very unusual way, so combining it with MENT and 900mg of testosterone is asking for trouble.

200mg Glutathione 4x week: Glutathione is very useful for avoiding liver problems, but I would combine it with TUDCA to prevent issues caused by bile stones due to oral steroid abuse. I would also add compounds that help with oxidative stress, such as SAMe.

Telmisartan 160mg: Given everything Togi uses, taking Telmisartan at high doses is a good way to avoid side effects related to cardiac remodeling, blood pressure, or kidney problems, but this dose is too high and should be reduced and combinen with another med like nevivolol.

Baby Aspirin 160mg: A good way to prevent blood clots. I would add using Vitamin D3 + K2 and Nattokinase.

My Opinion

Togi has a great physique and doesn't need to abuse steroids so much. The basis of any good cycle is to start with low doses and gradually increase as the body needs it. Chris Bumstead is the perfect example that with good genetics, you can have a privileged physique by using little.

Also, less can sometimes be more. For example, I would remove most of the compounds and end up using a high dose of testosterone + GH + insulin (which, if used correctly, is safe). Optionally, I would add a second injectable like NPP at low doses and an oral like Anadrol at around 100mg per day. And OBVIOUSLY, I would use all available supplements/medications to avoid undesirable side effects.

I do think the idea behind this cycle would be good… for a professional bodybuilder, not for a Youtuber.

Remember, you only live once.