Anavar Oxandrolone: A Guide for Bodybuilding Success

Oxandrolone or Anavar is a synthetic anabolic steroid derived explicitly for those craving muscle gain substantially and increased strength. Recently, it has been very popular amongst the bodybuilding community.

Unfortunately, it is not a one-size-fits-all game!

The Anavar oxandrolone usage and cycle differ depending on your age, size, and goals. 

In addition, some individuals might experience Oxyandrolone side effects, which we will discuss later in this article, along with its benefits. 

What is Anavar Oxandrolone?

Anavar, or Oxandrolone, was created in 1962. It is an oral anabolic steroid used to promote lean muscle mass in people suffering from muscle-wasting conditions. This mild drug has a few side effects, so women and children can also benefit from it. 

Benefits of Anavar

Anavar is one of the most sought-after steroids with a wide range of benefits. They are briefly described in the section below:

  • Fat Loss

Anavar significantly increases the body’s T4 to T3 ratio. T3 is an active thyroid hormone responsible for increasing fat loss and improving metabolism. Similar to free testosterone, which is responsible for building muscle mass, T3 is beneficial for increased fat burning.

  • Muscle Gain

Anavar is known to increase muscle mass, as it is (and all anabolic steroids) a form of exogenous testosterone. It also helps produce lean muscle gains. Therefore, people using Anavar hardly gain water weight and fat.

  • Strength Building

Anavar Oxandrolone also has a massive impact on strength. Since it is an exogenous testosterone, it increases strength rapidly. Typically, the powerlifters consume Anavar before competitions to boost their strength.

Oxandrolone Side Effects

Researchers have found that oxandrolone bodybuilding cycles are generally considered safe when used responsibly, even after prolonged use. However, there are some side effects associated with the higher doses, which are briefly discussed in the section below:

  • High LDL Cholesterol

It has long been known that Anavar successfully treats high cholesterol levels. However, some research has found that it shifts the ratio negatively from HDL to LDL levels, which is harmful to the human body. Thus, it was concluded that higher doses of Anavar may lead to the clogging of the arteries, leading to cardiovascular disorders.

  • Suppressed Testosterone

Since Anavar is an exogenous testosterone, it dramatically increases testosterone levels. Once the body recognizes the exceeded testosterone levels, the natural production of hormones reduces, leading to hormonal imbalance. 

  • Kidney Damage

Oral steroids are harmful to the kidneys. Anavar consumption may impact the metabolism in the kidney, which leads to increased strain that might result in acute kidney diseases. 

Oxandrolone Cycle

Since Oxandrolone bodybuilding cycles involve a mild natural steroid, it is not commonly favored by hardcore bodybuilders. Typically, beginners prefer to consume Oxandrolone cycles during their first steroid cycles. It is recommended to take 15 mg per day for the initial days, which may increase to 20 mg per day, and extend the cycle for a maximum of eight weeks. 

In a Nutshell

As we navigate through Anavar (Oxandrolone), it is clear that it has a significant impact on bodybuilders' journeys. With its mild nature and fewer side effects, it benefits not only men but also women and children. However, every supplement must be used under supervision to ensure minimal to no side effects.