Estradiol and Manage on Cycle

1. Intro

I'm sure that u read and u know what is estradiol, if you don´t know better because here you will learn what the fuck is that and why is so important for us, for men who are involved in PEDs use and which tools we have to manage it correctly.

Estradiol is a hormone, known as feminine but every human has estradiol, women has from far more estradiol than men, in our sport a lot of coaches and also in the old-school  had the think that estradiol is bad, and we need to kill it, as less, better but is this fact true?.

2. Functions

Probably is the opposite, of course with differences but the estradiol has a lot of roles in human health:

  • In the brain: Estradiol helps to keep the mind function, to not have loss of memory and it manages a lot of hormones which  control the hormonal axis. Also has neuroprotector effects, the deficit of estradiol is relationed with memory loss and risk of dementia.

  • In liver: Estradiol helps to control cholesterol regulation, improving the lipid panel and avoiding heart and circulation problems and the physiopathology of atherosclerosis.

  • In bones: Helps to preserve the density of the bones.

  • In ovarius: Stimulate the maturation of the ovules and the normal behavior of the menstrual cycle in woman.
There are a lot of more functions on women, on breasts, on uterus etc but later we will have a specific blog about woman health and how to manage estradiol correctly during PEDs using.

But I'm sure that u don't know that estradiol helps in hypertrophy and fat loss

Estradiol has anti-inflammatory effects, helping the transport of Glut4, the main transport of glucose to the muscle. Also improves the mitochondrial function, who helps in the oxidation of fats

Also estradiol helps maintain the pool of satellite cells and improves protein synthesis via B Estrogen receptor, for example supplements like B-Ecdysterone does it

Inhibits lipoprotein lipasa, which is a fat storage enzyme and also improves the control of the leptin, something which is very important to control hunger and raise the metabolism, letting us eat more calories.

But lets talk about numbers. How can I know if my estradiol is right, low or is too much?

3. Values on man and woman

First of all we need to do a bloodwork and ask about ultrasensible-estradiol, is the best way and lets see the values of Estradiol:

  • Man normal and average Estradiol is between:

Does it mean if our Estradiol is a bit higher we will have problems? Not exactly, we will talk about it later.

In women, it always depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle, a process where the own body and organism of women regulates the amount of the estrogen and another hormones.

  • Woman normal and average estradiol is between:
Follicular phase: 
Ovulation phase: 
30-120 pg/ml

Ovulation peak:

Luteal phase: 
130-370 pg/ml

15-60 pg/ml

In women, it's different and in the rest of the article, we will not talk any more about the estradiol in woman and we gonna focus on men, let's talk now about which signs we will have when estradiol is high and low in male adults.

4. Signs of high and low estrogen/estradiol

There is adverse effects when the estradiol is high and low, is easy to see and it has important side effects on our behaviour, health and daily life.

4.1 Signs of high estrogen

I'm sure u heard about this, high estrogen, low libido or erection problems etc, breast growing (Gyno), but how much of this information already installed in the bodybuilding is true?

There is facts about side effects of the excess of estradiol:

4.1.1 Sexual behaviour:  there is libido but the erections are irregular and not stable and sometimes very bad sexual performance (Low sensibility and not-controlled eyaculations).

4.1.2 Sensibility of nipples and grow of breast:  there is a misunderstanding about the reasons why the gyno appears but for sure one of these reasons is the high estradiol. There is more aspects who are increasing the risk of develop gyno, like excess of cortisol, products who are increasing IGF1, high prolactin and of course excess of estradiol but also low dht, that's why use DHT inhibitors like finasteride are creating a low androgenic environment and high estrogen

4.1.3 Water retention: The estrogen has an influence on the regulation of the amount of water and sodium that the kidneys filtrate and when there is excess of this hormone, it can happen than this water retention.

4.1.4 High arterial pressure: Because of this water retention and the disbalance of water, arterial pressure and this is very dangerous in the long term and it has a lot of influence on the rest of aspects like erections, night sweats, fatigue.

4.1.5 Mood: There is a dysregulation of some neurotransmitters and because of this reason, the mood is depressive, negativity, fatigue, irritability etc.

4.1.6 Sleep problems: There is low bibliography about it but it seems that there is association with the low estrogen and quality of sleep but it has all the sense because the process of sleep needs a exactly amount of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamin and amino acids in the brain and bloodstream, also the mood, night sweating, irritation and mental health doesn't help.

4.2 Signs of low estradiol

Probably you heard about high estradiol but more probably that you don´t heard about low estradiol and can be even more problematic than you think.

Estrogen are vital hormone for men also, for the muscular function and in general the health, physically and psychologically that's why:

4.2.1 Low libido, and sexual mood:  Even more than excess of estradiol, because the problems of erection from excess of estradiol are more connected with the arterial pressure than hormonal changes, low estradiol is destroying men´s libido and erections because it depends directly from the balance of DHT, free testosterone and estradiol, that's why guys who are running aromatase inhibitor when they don´t need it, or more dose of IA, are losing the libido very easily because they are  scared to develop gyno.

4.2.2 Mood, depression, irritability: These are very common in people who are killing their balance of estrogen with excess of IA or even not using enough test for the amount of doses of DHT derivatives, the disbalance of hormones created in neurosteroids affects a lot in the mood, energy, vitality and in general in daily aspects

4.2.3 Neuroinflammation and memory loss:  estrogen has a neuroprotective role and gives enough neurotransmitters for the normal work of the hippocampus, the part of the brain where the memory is located

4.2.4 Acné: Previously community thought that excess of estradiol was the reason of the acné, but is the opposite, Propionibacterium acnes, the main bacteria of the infection of the acné who come from steroids proliferates more when there is déficit of estradiol

5.PEDs which can increase and reduce Estradiol

When we are on physiological status, naturally or on TRT in healthy men, there is no disbalance of this hormones

Can happen that a man who is passing a very stressful moment, low sleep and a lot of adipose tissue can increase estradiol but we are not talking right now about this cases, we are talking about PEDs users who has aesthetic or competition goals

There is a list of compounds which increases estradiol, directly or indirectly:

Testosterone: After X dose, a man who is running Testosterone, this dose is individual, he will start to aromatice (Convert Testosterone into estradiol) part of this Testosterone. Can be after 500mg, 750mg, 1gr or even 250mg, % fat, lifestyle, depends a lot but what depends more, is the whole cycle.
Nandrolone: This is steroid from the family of progestin, who are increasing estrogen, because it interact with androgen receptor, estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor this interaction induces anabolism but also more suppression of the HPTA (Natural testosterone production) axis but also increases estrogen. 

Because of this interaction can also increase prolactin, excess of estradiol does and it has terrible consequences on mood and sexual behavior. Also the Nandrolone is not reduced into  DHT, instead it does to Dehydronandrolone (DHN) a weak androgen which creates a less androgenic ratio, increasing estrogen.

Trenbolone: Yes it does, for the same reason than Nandrolone, both are from the same family of compounds and its very hard to manage this estrogen because doesn´t come from aromatization so SERMs like tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors would not work, we have ways to control but we will talk later about it.

Dianabol: Methandienone is a testosterone derived, who are very common in bulk phases and it has very interesting effect on estradiol because increase methyl-estradiol, another form of estradiol who are very hard to control like progestins because interacts directly with estrogen receptor.

Oximetolone: Oxymetolone is a DHT derived, also very common in bulk who interacts with both receptors, androgenic and estrogenic and increases methyl-estradiol like dianabol, very hard to control this estradiol and commonly develops gyno on people who is sensible.

HCG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a synthetic form of LH, basically increases this hormone which is the main signalizer to the testicles to produce more Testosterone, more Testosterone which also aromatizes and could create raises of  estrogen.

Finasteride: Could sound strange, but it's true, the déficit of DHT who creates a 5-a reductase inhibitor gonna increase the amount of free estradiol

So we have some compounds which aromatize and increase Estradiol, if we just use these compounds it's impossible to control this hormone with all the problems that it carries, luckily there are a lot of compounds that reduce estradiol.

Which ones? A lot of them, all the DHT derivatives like Primobolan (Methenolone), Masteron (Drostanolone), Halotestin, Proviron, Superdrol, Oxandrolone because the amount of androgens reduces estradiol and another estrogens something who can be very useful of very problematic if there is déficit of estradiol

Of course there are compounds specifically designed to reduce the estradiol, aromatase inhibitors like exemestane, letrozole, anastrozole  which are directly inhibiting the enzyme, instead of modulating the AR/ER ratio, what's that?

6. How can we modulate estradiol during cycles?

AR (Androgen receptor) ER (Estrogen receptor) Ratio,  a balance between the compounds who are raising and reducing estradiol and androgens, being conscient that if you raise 250mg of Testosterone Cypionate, partly will increase estradiol but if you increase for example Primobolan or Masteron, at the same time, probably will be more balanced…but how much?

There is no strict answer, because if completely individual, but the increases of doses must be done step by step and to increase doses ratio 1:1 is not a bad idea, for example 100mg Nandrolone+100mg Masteron and anyways the best and most useful tool is to do a blood work before the increase of dose and after, and see what happens in the levels of estradiol and DHT

There will be man who will aromatise after 500mg, after 750mg, 1000mg or even 250mg and it depends on genetic, lifestyle like sleep, stress and mostly and thee biggest factor, % of body fat

Sometimes the most easy way to manage estrogen is:

First:  naturally or even in TRT (100-150mg/week) analyze your basal estradiol ultrasensible if it possible, DHT and the rest of hormones (Tota Test, free test, dht, prolactine) 

Second: Start your cycle, after 2 weeks, repeat this analysis, and it depends if the estradiol is high or low, we will increase/reduce test or DHT derived to try to go to the balance.

Third: After this change in your cycle, repeat the analysis and take the conclusions, also nice to check very frequently all your health markers.

*Cyclehack: Proviron or Mesterolone is near to pure DHT and it has some impact on sexual health, mood and energy, modulates AR/ER ratio to the side of AR and is way easier to control high estrogen even sensibility on nipples which is a sign of high estradiol and developing of gynecomastia, after to add 50-100mg of proviron this feeling will go..but always better to do bloodwork.

If you are waiting to we will talk about IA, SERMs, today is not the day, im sorry but i wanna to take the subjects 1 by 1 and in the right way, i promise you to do it soon because is complex and it deserves full article

7. Conclusion

So, as you could see, estradiol is not the devil, is not a problem and we shouldn't kill it, we need it and mostly near to the limit, not more but near:  to have high quality sex life, energy, to gain more muscle mass and all the health benefits that u learn in the article.

Before running to drink an IA, or put a lot of tamoxifen, scared to have titties, there are easier ways to improve your cycle, your levels of estradiol and in general all the process.

The moment of the analysis, the amount of Testosterone and DHT derivatives are the key to have this hormone under control, if it is necessary or the gyno is really appearing and not going, so its the moment to think on SERM/IA, we will talk about it soon folks.

Divulgator and Contest Prep Coach