How to Cut Weight – Bodybuilding 

Cutting weight is one of the toughest phases of bodybuilding but often looks easy on the outside. It’s not all about hitting the gym and lifting heavy metals, at least not that simple. Cutting weight appears easy on the outside, but it is the most defining step in bodybuilding. It particularly involves starting with weight cutting diet before transitioning to a bodybuilding cutting diet, among several other things to put in place. 

In fact, exploring all other bodybuilding techniques without cutting excess fats to lose weight might be a waste of time or would not give your desired result, at least. A significant part of bodybuilding prep is regulating diet and cutting fat to leave only lean muscle mass that is worked on in the gym. In simple terms, all pushups and heavy metal lifting won’t yield any results when you still have a lot of fats covering your muscles or you eat foods that will restore all the calories and more in a single meal. 

What to Eat When Cutting Weight? 

As much as there are effective weight cutting supplements, what you eat when cutting weight also plays a significant role in the outcome. Below are some of the foods to eat when cutting weight. 

1. Leafy Greens and Vegetables 
Leafy greens and vegetables such as kale, spinach, and collard greens have rich fiber content that aids digestion and reduces your appetite for more food. They contain compounds known as thylakoids that enhance increased fullness and help with appetite management. Don’t forget the less you eat, the less calories you consume. 

2. Fish and Egg 
Fish and eggs are high-quality protein foods that allow you to stay full and help the accumulation of lean muscle mass. Fish have an impressive supply of iodine that helps to maintain the proper functioning of the thyroid and metabolic system. 

3. Nuts and Seeds 
Most Nuts and seeds are rich in fiber, protein, minerals, and healthy fat that decreases. This food helps to reduce hunger by aiding appetite management. It also contains high protein content that promotes the bulking and accumulation of lean muscle mass

4. Potatoes and Other Root Vegetables 
Potatoes and other root vegetables contain resistant starch, which is a fiber-like compound that is helpful for weight loss. This compound also aids in proper digestion and reduces the level of hunger and appetite. However, it is best to note that baking and roasting potatoes gives better results for weight loss than boiling or frying. 

5. Avocadoes 
Avocadoes contain a lot of water, fiber, and heart-healthy fats that make them very feeling. They also help the body to absorb essential fat-soluble vitamins, including potassium, that are essential in maintaining great heart health. 

It is essential to note that meal prep for cutting weight is necessary for optimal results. For instance, baking and roasting potatoes gives better results for weight loss than boiling or frying. Also, it is crucial to be aware of high-calorie foods when considering foods to eat when cutting weight. Finally, weight cutting supplements work best when you use them alongside regulated diets before even approaching the gym for bodybuilding.