What is the Difference Between Calisthenics and Body Building 

Individuals interested in creating unique and appealing body crafts have several options for getting their ideal physique, particularly bodybuilding and calisthenics. Despite both having the similar goal of physical conditioning and sculpturing, calisthenics vs bodybuilding has been a long-standing debate in the health and fitness world. Even though both techniques aim to enhance strength and muscular development, they differ significantly in their approaches, philosophies, and overall outcomes. 

This article provides a simple guide on the differences between Calisthenics and bodybuilding while also helping you to understand which is best for you. 

What is Calisthenics 

Calisthenics is derived from two Greek words, “Kalos,” which means beauty, and “sthenos,” which means strength. In general, calisthenics is simply a form of movement usually performed in rhythmic and dynamic patterns that engage only body weight as the means for resistance. Examples of calisthenics include pull-ups, push-ups, planks, squats, lunges, and various muscle movements, often involving bending, jumping, and swinging movements. 

Calisthenics for beginners are usually simple routines with minimal equipment. It is also a good way to build endurance, stamina, flexibility, and strength before going fully into major physical exercises like weightlifting.

Other calisthenics benefits include regulation of body weight, compound muscle movement, skill progression, versatility, improved athletic performance, and targeted muscle exercises. 

What is Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding is a form of physical training that is aimed at shaping the physical appearance and musculature of the body through rigorous activities like weightlifting and strategic nutrition: most times, bodybuilding targets isolated groups of muscles for aesthetic purposes. Bodybuilding exercises can include activities such as bench press, squat, deadlift, bicep curl, and leg press. These activities are usually carried out in sets or repetitions with the aim of stimulating target muscle growth and improve strength. 

Benefits of bodybuilding include shredding fats, improving muscle strength, creating endurance, muscle hypertrophy, cardiovascular fitness, improved posture and balance, body sculpture and physical aesthetics, and overall stress relief.  

Bodybuilding for beginners might be an exciting journey of strength improvement, acquisition of dream physique, and improved overall health. However, asides from rigorous physical training, bodybuilders also pay special attention to nutrition. Some nutritional enhancements and supplements help with the rapid accumulation of lean muscle mass, enhanced recovery, and improved strength and endurance. 

Calisthenics vs Bodybuilding: Which is best for me? 

The benefits of calisthenics and bodybuilding are unique, but the choice of which is best often depends on individuals involved. You can go for calisthenics if you are a beginner without any equipment, intend to focus on strength, ensure endurance and balance, want a straightforward progression, aim to lose fat, and create flexibility.  

Bodybuilding is best for individuals who intend to build physical body aesthetics, acquire lean muscle mass, aim to develop isolated muscles, crave faster results, gain absolute strength, and pay more attention to proportion and symmetry.


Calisthenics vs. bodybuilding is one of the most controversial debates in the fitness world. These two techniques are unique approaches to health and fitness with related but different results. However, a lot of fitness enthusiasts combine both techniques to get the best of the two worlds.