Seth Feroce's Awesome Cycle

Seth Feroce has always been one of my favorite bodybuilders, and his podcasts are full of very interesting content. Recently, a clip from one of his podcasts went viral where he talks about what he calls his "awesome cycle." In this article, we are going to take a look at it.

The Cycle

The substances he mentions are as follows:

- 1500mg of testosterone per week

- 600mg of trenbolone per week

- 100mg of anadrol per day

- 10 IU of growth hormone per day


Starting with 1500mg of testosterone per week, this is a very high dose. However, for a professional bodybuilder, it's a "standard" dose. Considering testosterone is one of the safest compounds available, I don't think this dose is crazy within the context of a professional bodybuilder. I've seen bodybuilders use up to 5 grams per week, which is monumentally senseless. In this case, one would need to use AIs to avoid gynecomastia and inject as frequently as possible to avoid hormonal fluctuations that could cause acne, oily skin, increased blood pressure, among other side effects.


The second compound he mentions is 600mg of trenbolone per week. This dose is excessive in my opinion, but like testosterone, it's "standard" for an average bodybuilder. Here, one would need to schedule supplements and in some cases medication to avoid side effects related to mental health, not to mention a marked alteration of lipids which might require the use of Pitavastatin to control them, and increased blood pressure that could be managed with Telmisartan.


The third compound is 100mg of anadrol. I think this is a great option for both the professional bodybuilder and "normal" people. 100mg of anadrol per day will improve muscle mass gain, strength, and give a "3D" look to the user. The dose isn't too high, but it's hepatotoxic, so a liver protector like TUDCA at 600mg per day should be taken. Blood pressure should also be monitored with the use of Telmisartan (80mg per day), for example, and the dose should be reduced if it causes gastric discomfort.

Growth Hormone  

The fourth compound is 10 IU of growth hormone per day. I think this is a very high dose and should only be used by professional bodybuilders. I believe that 4-6 IUs are enough for a normal person or even a professional bodybuilder. Such high levels of GH can cause significant water retention, increasing blood pressure and making the use of an ARB II necessary, along with the use of diuretics (natural or artificial depending on severity). This dose can also cause acromegaly (organ growth) and carpal tunnel syndrome.

My Opinion

I think the doses are quite restrained for a professional bodybuilder, but in the amateur realm, these doses are excessive. 

Obviously, Seth might have forgotten to mention other compounds he uses, such as medications for blood pressure (Telmisartan/Nebivolol), cholesterol medications (Pitavastatin, Ezetimibe, etc.), liver protectors (TUDCA), aromatase inhibitors, among others, and obviously all the supplementation he takes.

In summary, I think it's a potent cycle but not crazy as long as the user is a professional bodybuilder.